Completion of Nepals First National TB Patient Cost Survey
The Public Health and Environment Research Centre (PERC), in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Control Centre (NTCC), Ministry of Health and Population, provincial and local governments, Save the Children, WHO, and other key partners, has successfully completed Nepal’s first-ever National Tuberculosis Patient Cost Survey. This landmark initiative involved extensive coordination and fieldwork to assess the financial burden of TB on affected families.
The accompanying photo was taken during the training of the survey team, which took place in January 2024. The findings from this survey provided critical insights into the landscape of TB-related expenses, helping to design effective programs and interventions aimed at reducing catastrophic costs related to TB illness, diagnosis, and treatment. This effort plays a vital role in supporting Nepal’s commitment to the End TB Strategy and achieving the ambitious goal of “zero catastrophic costs” for TB-affected families, paving the way for a TB-Free Nepal by 2050.