The Human Resource Policy are summarized in this document. PERC reserves the right to add to, modify, or delete any portion at its sole discretion, in compliance with the labor laws of Nepal. Policy will be different for Work from Home context.

Probation PeriodPeriod-3 months, eligible for basic salary and transportation cost, not eligible for any annual leave and casual leave. If required, the probation period could be extended up to six months with the approval from Executive committee in consultation with direct/indirect supervisor.

Working Hour
We work in 2 shifts and employees can choose any shift of working hours feasible to them.Shift 1- During Summer Sunday to Thursday (10:00 am to 5:00 pm) Friday (10:00 am to 3:00 pm) with 45 minutes break for lunch (1:00 pm-1:45 pm) and 10 minutes coffee break (3:30 pm-3:40 pm). 
Shift 1- During Winter (Kartik 16 till Magh 15)Sunday to Thursday (10:00 am to 4:30 pm) Friday (10:00 am to 3:00 pm) with 45 minutes break (1:00 pm-1:45 pm) and 10 minutes coffee break (3:30 pm-3:40 pm).
Shift 2-During Summer Sunday to Thursday (9:00 am to 4:00 pm) Friday (9:00 am to 2:00 pm) with 45 minutes break for lunch (12:00 pm-12:45 pm) and 10 minutes coffee break (2:30 pm to 2:40 pm).
Shift 2- During Winter (Kartik 16 till  Magh 15)Sunday to Thursday (9:30 am to 4:00 pm) Friday (9:30 am to 2:30 pm) with 45 minutes break (12:30 pm-1:15 pm) and 10 minutes coffee break (2:45 pm to 2:55 pm).
-If delay or emergency for more than 10 minutes late in arriving should notify an indirect or direct supervisor of their expected arrival time.-Staff may be required to work outside of these hours, without extra compensation as demanded to fulfill their responsibilities. No overtime pay will be paid to any category of staff.
Dashain AllowanceEmployee completed a year of service in PERC will be eligible for Dashain Allowance equivalent to one-month basic salary.
Annual Leave-All regular staff are eligible for a maximum of 15 days annual leave in one calendar year from January to December. For staff joining in between the year will be eligible for annual leave on pro-rata basis. -All annual leave must be approved in advance by the employee’s direct/indirect supervisor. -Employee and direct supervisor need to ensure that all annual leave is taken in a timely manner to avoid accumulation of leave at any time during employment and to ensure work-life balance. -Regular employees must request approval for Annual Leave periods exceeding 2 days in duration, one week in advance. For Annual Leave periods exceeding 5 consecutive days, one month’s advance notice is expected. Any unused annual leave will be carried forward to another calendar year.
Casual Leave -All regular staff are eligible for 5 days of casual leave in one calendar year from January to December. For staff joining in between the year will be eligible for casual leave on pro-rata basis. Casual leave cannot be taken in advance. Any unused casual leave will not be carried forward to another calendar year.
Sick Leave-All regular staff are eligible to receive 12 days of sick leave in one calendar year from January to December. For those joining in the middle of the year, will be eligible for sick leave on a pro-rata basis. Sick leave will not be accrued and cannot be taken in advance except for planned surgery case. In such a case, authentic documents should be provided. -Certification from a medical professional is required for absences of more than or equal to 3 days. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that this medical certificate is received by her/his supervisor on the third day of the illness, as any days taken without this justification will be counted as Annual leave.- Any unused sick leave will not be carried forward to another calendar year.
Compassionate Leave -All regular employees are entitled to up to 13 consecutive days of paid compassionate leave for the loss of any immediate family member, defined as a spouse, child, parent, sibling, or spouse’s parent when the employee is required to observe the mourning himself/herself, in accordance with family custom. Employees may use accrued annual leave if additional leave is required. Compassionate leave will not be carried forward to another calendar year.
Marriage Leave– A maximum of 5 working days per employee for Marriage Leave will be granted to employees to attend their own marriage ceremony.
Maternity and Paternity Leave– Female employees are eligible for a maternity leave duration of 14 weeks/98 days, after childbirth. Throughout this period, female employee will receive compensation for the entire duration of their leave. Starting from the date of approved maternity leave, female employee will receive 60 days of paid leave. Additionally, an extra 38 days will be granted as paid leave, with the provision to work from home for a limited duration of up to 4 hours per day. If circumstances arise necessitating an extension beyond the initial 14 weeks/98 days, the employee will be eligible for an additional 90 days of full day remote work (occasionally requiring in-person attendance at the office for meetings)
-Such maternity leave shall be granted only twice during the entire period of service. A female employee should request Maternity Leave at least 2 months prior to the anticipated date of delivery.-Male employee will be entitled to apply for paternity leave of up to 15 days for each birth. -Application must be submitted to direct supervisor for approval. -Maternity and Paternity Leave will not be carried over.
Compensatory LeaveAn employee who is involved in urgent work or deadlines or must be done continuously shall get compensatory leave in consideration for having worked on any day of weekly off or public holiday. Any employee who has worked during weekly off or public holiday shall be provided with compensatory off within twenty-one days of the date of engagement in work. 
Leave Accumulation An employee is entitled to accumulate annual and sick leave for up to 25 days. Staff during separation from the agency will be entitled to the encashment of accrued balance annual, casual and sick leave of up to 25 days. Employees accruing 25 days annual, sick and casual leave during separation will be eligible for one-month basic salary. 
Termination for causeThe employment agreement may be terminated by PERC for reasons such as poor performance with no sign of improvement, violation of policies, gross misconduct, and violation of laws, starkly unprofessional/unethical conduct, engaging in other outside activities that impede employee performance or any act that puts the agency and its reputation at risk. Such dismissals can be made at any time immediately or 1- or 2-days’ time limit. 
Notice period of ResignationEmployees will be required to provide advance notice for their resignation. The notice period for resignation should be either 2 or 3 months depending on the employee’s job position. Employees should communicate their intention to resign to their immediate supervisor. The days for notification will be calculated once the resignation submitted in written is approved by the immediate supervisor.
HolidayThe regular employees shall enjoy every Saturday and any public holiday publish by the Federal Government of Nepal.

Note: Sick leave, compassionate leave, maternity leave, and paternity leave are inherent rights of the employee, while all other forms of leave are benefits provided by the employer.

Published on

November 19, 2024

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