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Health Policy and Systems Research

Health Policy and Systems Research

Advancing Health Policy and Systems Research for Public Health Impact The PERC team is deeply engaged in generating evidence to strengthen health systems through the evaluation of existing public health interventions and assessments of system readiness to address pressing health issues. Our research addresses areas such as mental health, the prevention and management of gender-based violence, and the control of infectious diseases like tuberculosis and HIV. We aim to identify both facilitators and obstacles within key health system components to maximize the impact of interventions in routine health services and programs. Furthermore, PERC is committed to building the capacity of public health professionals across various levels of the health system, including frontline health workers, to manage priority health issues.

Advancing Health and Hygiene: Strengthening Healthcare Facilities in Nepal’s Midwestern Region

The Swachchhata (Health and Hygiene Activity) project, implemented by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and Population Services International (PSI) Nepal, aimed to improve community health by integrating hygiene ...

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